Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 15

Weather: 87 degrees

Location: Little Falls, NJ

Workout (6pm):
mile warmup
jump run workout
20 pushups
40 situps
20 squat jumps
20 tuck jumps
20 side to side
30m lunges
50m A run
the rest is no longer a 1min 45sec it's now just 1min
run for 60sec(hit 400m 0r more)
jump runs x3
mile cooldown

Result: 390m/395m for first rep, 340m second rep, 360m third rep.

Surface: Rubber Track

Running Partner? Bryant Rodriguez

Work (Job): -

Weight Room: NU Lifting

Summary: I had to move the workout up one day because it was forcasted to thunderstorm Thursday and Friday. The heat affected the workout... Legs felt a lot heavier than normal, but it could also because I didn't have a day off between the 250m workout. Lunges were the hardest part of the jumpruns. The 1 minute break also affected me greatly. Wasn't sure how much break there was after the run, so I took a 2 minute break after them. The 1 minute break really took out my energy. Minor shin splints toward the very end of the workout on my right leg.

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