Monday, July 2, 2007

July 2

Rest: -

Nutrition: Oatmeal, Turkey Sandwich, Rice/Chicken/Potatoes (filipino dish)

Emotion: -

Weather: 92 degrees

Location: Brownsville, TX

Workout (6pm):
16 min run
run from designated start point in
9min(medium) run back to starting point in 7min(Hard)

Took longer than 7 minutes on the way back

Surface: Street

Running Partner? no

Work (Job): -

Weight Room: Hang Clean, Snatch, Bench, Machine Dip, Lat pull downs - light on all lifts

Summary: Wore Nike Free 5.0v2 during the run today. My knees started to feel sore about 6 minutes into the run but I just kept going. I would go on and off between running on just my toes and letting my heels touch to try to get the pain from my knees off. The workout was good other than that. Instead of lifting 5 days this week, since it is supposed to be a light week, I will only lift two (mon/wed).

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